Reclaiming the Acts 1:8 vision in our generation

Our Story

In 1928, God whispered to a small group of people causing them to gather in homes to pray.  The group began praying that the message and hope of Jesus would transform Regina and the world.  Over the next 90 years this group would grow and become what we know today as Living Hope Alliance Church.


From the very beginning Living Hope has had an unwavering focus on God’s mission, both locally and globally.   Each decade since that beginning we have faced the question of “What can we do to help people far from God find their way to Him?”


In the 30’s, we began reaching children in our community through Vacation Bible School and helping Chinese immigrants.


In the 40’s, we continued to reach people throughout Regina with a weekly radio program and helped establish the Western Canadian Bible Institute (today known as Ambrose University) to equip men and women to engage in the local and global mission of God.


In the 50’s, we began our MidWeek kid’s club program and helped plant new churches in the Regina area.


In the 60’s, we began reaching teens in our community with our youth ministry and arranged rides for 80-100 children every week so they could hear about Jesus in our Sunday School.


In the 70’s, we began home-based Bible studies which grew into our Groups ministry today.


In the 80’s, our three worship services were filled to capacity each weekend and we began reaching out to market-place leaders through breakfast gatherings designed to engage the heart and mind of the leader.


In the 90’s, we began hosting an annual fall carnival for families in the community and invited our neighbours to large musical events and programs that shared the message of Jesus.


In the 2000’s, we moved to our current property in southeast Regina and built a 66,000 square-foot facility in order to reach more of Regina. Our Alpha ministry helped many take next steps in their spiritual journey.


With each passing decade, we have sought to make Jesus’ vision a reality, each generation claiming Jesus’ vision in their day.

a new chapter

Today, Regina is one of the fastest growing cities in Canada, growing by 11.4% between 2011 and 2016.  The community directly around the church campus has grown by 65% (15% of the city’s overall growth).  While Canadians are less religious than they have been in the past or than people in many other parts of the world are, 79% still believe in God or a universal power greater than themselves.  This means that the vast majority of people in Regina believe there is a God, but don’t know Him personally and are living each day far from Him.


While many Canadians, and specifically Reginans, are living far from God, they haven’t stopped wondering about Him.  Sociologist Reginald Bibby writes, “For most people, the experience of life—as well as death—leads to questions of meaning, purpose and what happens when we die. In addition, some observers have maintained that there is almost an innate restlessness for something beyond themselves.”


About this phenomenon, the Apostle Paul wrote in Acts 17:27 that God’s purpose is that we would “seek after God and perhaps feel (our) way toward Him and find Him—though He is not far from any one of us.  For in Him we live and move and exist.”  What we are seeing in our culture is not new; it is something every generation experiences.

a timeless question

The question facing us today is the one we’ve faced many times before: how will we reclaim the Acts 1:8 vision in our generation?

We have a unique opportunity before us to remove the barriers keeping our generation from finding God.  We are surrounded every day, as individuals and as a church, by people who are far from God. Barriers are keeping them from finding God.


Can you remember when you were far from God?  What were the barriers that kept you from God?  What happened when those barriers were removed?  It’s probably safe to say when those barriers were broken, that was the moment when you found Him and began your relationship with Him.


We have a unique opportunity to break down the barriers that are keeping our generation from knowing God, a generation who believes there is a God and, whether they realize it or not, is searching for a way to know Him.  What would you be willing to do in order to help someone go beyond the barrier that is keeping them from knowing God?


We want to help everyone become what Jesus envisions; people who are living in and living out the grace and truth of Jesus, people who have discovered fullness of life in everything they do.  We need to be a generation of barrier breakers who respond to the question “What more can we do to reach people far from God?” with the answer, “Whatever it takes.”


God has blessed us and continues to bless us with amazing growth both in attendance (38% increase from 2014 to 2017), giving (24.4% increase) and increased reach and impact in Regina.  God has blessed us and invites us to take part in what He is already doing.  It is our Jesus-given responsibility to commend to our generation who God is and how they can know Him.


If we do not claim the Acts 1:8 vision in our time, we risk an entire generation living without ever knowing God and the purpose, meaning and fullness of life He created them for.  Psalm 145:4 says, “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.”  It’s our time.  We have a God given responsibility in this generation.  Will you claim your part in Jesus’ vision today?

GOAL 1: creating an accessible and engaging campus

We envision creating exterior spaces that are attractive and inviting to families, and easily accessible by all.  We desire to create functional green spaces around the building that invite people to play and visit.  We desire to create safe and accessible avenues for people on foot, bikes, and in cars, to approach our facility.  We desire to create parking that will accommodate more than 500 people and provide a pleasant experience, in finding a spot and also exiting the parking lot.


One in three people avoid places that they find unattractive and/or hard to get to.  One in three people also will not return to a place where they didn’t have a great experience. We often remember the last part or moments of an experience most clearly. That would mean that the last impression left in the minds of our guests is their parking experience.  Our first goal focuses on improving guest experience.


Phase 1 of our campus completion plan includes:

  • Landscaping around the building, providing green space, benches, bike racks and a small playground
  • Paving 200 parking stalls
  • Creating walking and vehicle access from Green Falls Drive
  • Paving the Arcola Avenue East entrance/exit


Phase 1 is estimated to cost 1.5 million dollars and will be paid from a combination of Going Beyond funds and debt financing.  Phases 2 and 3 will be undertaken as God leads and funds are available.

GOAL 2: multiplying opportunities

Living Hope has a legacy of planting churches. Each Christian and Missionary Alliance church in Regina was directly or indirectly planted by Living Hope. We envision continuing that legacy. 


Church planting will allow us to expand the influence of Living Hope to people we may not know and who will never drive or walk y. New churches tend to reach new generations and new people groups. Younger generations are found more predominately in newer churches. 60% of new attendees in start-up churches are people who did not attend church previously (80-90% of new attendees in existing churches come from other churches). 


Tim Keller Writes: 

“The vigorous, continual planting of new congregations is the single most crucial strategy for 1) the numerical growth of the body of Christ in any city, and 2) the continual corporate renewal and revival of the existing churches in a city. Nothing else – not crusades, outreach programs, para-church ministries, growing mega-churches, congregational consulting, nor church renewal processes – will have the constant impact of dynamic, extensive church planting.”


Jesus calls us to make disciples of all nations and people groups, to be His witnesses everywhere. Wherever Jesus’ disciples gather, you have a church. By planting a new church, we are fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission and continuing the legacy of our church as being a church-planting church. 

GOAL 3: impacting the world

From the very beginning we have focused on those far from God in Regina and those far from God in every part of the world. We envision partnering with God and his people in the Caribbean Sun and Silk Road regions to make disciples and provide real help to real needs (Physical, emotional, spiritual and financial). We envision people from Living Hope giving time, energy and resources to break down barriers and help people far from God around the world move closer to Him. 


Monies received by the Going Beyond initiative will go toward funding projects in the Christian & Missionary Alliance’s Caribbean Sun and Silk Road regions. 

GOAL 4: a personal commitment

Our church is made up of people who have individually committed themselves to the mission God has given to Living Hope.  The Going Beyond initiative is not just a corporate vision – it is also a personal journey.  We envision people breaking down the barriers of proximity, indifference, relationship, poverty and any barrier the Spirit identifies in us or around us to help those far from God find their way to Him.  We envision the people of Living Hope looking for opportunities every day to help people far from God move closer to Him.


The Acts 1:8 vision is first and foremost a personal invitation for each of us to be Jesus’ witnesses everywhere we go.  When each of us accepts Jesus’ invitation, we will begin to see meaningful change in the lives of the people around us.  Accepting Jesus’ invitation may mean: Taking time to listen to someone in pain, sitting with and caring for someone who is sick, sharing what you have with someone who has less, lending a hand to someone who needs help, and it will mean sharing the hope you’ve found in Jesus.

faith goals

In order to carry out what we believe God has placed before us in the Going Beyond campaign, we have set the following faith goals.  Funds gifted to the campaign will be allocated as indicated.    Additional funds necessary to complete phase 1 will be borrowed.  Every dollar that you contribute to the Going Beyond campaign will help us reach our faith goals!


Goal 1: $1,000,000 (80%)

Goal 2: $100,000 (8%)

Goal 3: $100,000 (8%)

Campaign expenses: $50,000 (4%)


Going beyond devotionals