Marks of the Messiah – Worshiping the Messiah – Discussion Guide

Marks of the Messiah
Worshiping the Messiah
Kirk Cowman, April 7, 2019

Scripture: Mark 5:21-43, 12:38-44, 14:3-11

Main Thought: Worship opens the door to deeper intimacy with Jesus.

Summary: Worship is an act of faith, an act of sacrifice, and an act of devotion that leads us into a more intimate relationship with Jesus.

Getting to Know Each Other (Start Here):

What is worship?   What does worship mean to you?

Going Deeper:

  1. Read Mark 5:21-43.  Contrast the faith of Jairus and the faith of the woman who touched Jesus’ garment.  How is their faith the same or different?
  2. The woman who had been bleeding for 12 years took an incredible risk, an act of faith, to touch Jesus’ garment. Her risk of faith led to her healing. What risk of faith have you taken? How has taking that risk changed your relationship with Jesus? Is there a risk of faith that you have been wrestling with? Will you take that risk now to declare how much you trust Jesus?
  3. Who are you more like, Jairus or the woman?
  4. Read Mark 12:38-44. In this passage, we see that the rich gave their leftovers but the woman gave all that she had as an act of sacrifice. When we sacrifice, we encounter Jesus in a new way. Have you ever made a sacrificed that led you deeper in relationship with Jesus?  How did your intimacy with Jesus change? 
  5. Read Mark 14:1-11.  Contrast the three responses to Jesus in this passage, the religious leaders, the woman, and Judas.  Why do they react to Jesus in the way that they do?  
  6. The woman in Mark 14 poured the expensive perfume on Jesus’ head in an act of devotion. We devote ourselves to things that we consider priorities.  What are you devoted to, how is this devotion reflected in your life?  Do you have any priorities reflect a devotion to Jesus?   

Apply it:

  • What risk of faith do you need to take today?
  • What is Jesus asking you to sacrifice today?
  • What does radical devotion to Jesus look like for you today?

Pray without ceasing:

Spend time praying for the upcoming Soul Care Conference in Winnipeg at The Bridge Church:

  • Pray for the 250 participants, that they will grow in their relationship and intimacy with Jesus
  • Pray Dr. Rob Reimer who is leading the conference, that he will have the energy to lead well and that the words he speaks would be exactly what God wants the participants to hear.
    Pray for the ministry teams who will be praying for people and helping them experience deliverance, that God will help them to discern what to do and give them boldness and authority to proclaim healing and forgiveness.
  • Pray that everyone present will be filled with the Holy Spirit and go home empowered for the mission God is leading them into.
