Acts 17

Written by Christine Lett

Hi! I’m Christine Lett and I’m thrilled that Pastor Kirk asked me to reflect on Acts 17:16-33.

In my Bible, this passage is subtitled “In Athens”. I think this passage could also be titled “First steps for making disciples”. Here we go…

Step 1: Allow God to break your heart for those who are far from God.
Paul is walking with the Spirit. While he is stuck in Athens waiting for his friends to join him, he doesn’t feel sorry for himself. Instead, he chooses to see the city with God’s eyes and “he was deeply troubled by all the idols he saw everywhere in the city” (vs 16). Other translations say he was “greatly distressed” (NIV), or “his spirit was provoked within him” (ASV). Paul allowed the Holy Spirit to speak deeply to his spirit. I wonder if Paul was experiencing a glimpse of how our Heavenly Father feels when He looks at our broken world. Paul was therefore compelled to share the Good News.

Step 2: Be purposeful in your interactions with others.
Paul goes to the synagogue and public square to meet people in their usual hang outs. He was on mission to reach others. Paul allows the Spirit to guide him to people longing for God. He went “daily” and he spoke “to all who happened to be there” (vs17). He was bold. He did not shy away from a debate with some serious philosophers, and this gave him the opportunity to speak to a larger audience.

Step 3: Welcome open doors to share the Good News in a relevant way.
Paul is invited to speak at the high council of Athens. Paul looks for common ground with his audience. I imagine that when Paul saw the inscription “To an Unknown God” on one of their idols, he recognized the people’s longing for God. Paul uses this idol as a platform to start sharing about Jesus. As he continues to speak, he engages his audience by finding truth in their secular poems “For in him we live and move and have our being” (NIV) and “we are his offspring” (vs 28). Both poems refer to Zeus, but Paul is not afraid to use these words to point to Jesus. I noticed as I reflected on this passage and Paul’s message to his new friends in Athens that not all discipleship starts with a Bible verse!

Step 4: Don’t be discouraged!
Paul is not deterred when some people laughed at him. I suppose by this time in his ministry he has already been stoned and left for dead, flogged and put in prison, so a few sneers aren’t so bad! But as Paul leaves the high council, a few people follow him. Of note, one man, Dionysius, becomes the first bishop of Athens. Remember: only God knows how and when the seeds He plants will grow and only He can make them grow (I Cor 3:6).

In summary, based on Acts 17, how do we start making disciples?
Step 1: Allow God to break your heart for those who are far from God.
Step 2: Be purposeful in your interactions with others.
Step 3: Welcome open doors to share the Good News in a relevant way.
Step 4: Don’t be discouraged!

My prayer for us today is that we will allow the Holy Spirit to break our hearts for the lost around us. May you and I be bold and use open doors to introduce Jesus and His Kingdom to our neighbors, city, and world.

Today, may you hear the Spirit whisper and may you be blessed as you follow His lead!
