Acts 28

Written by Kevin Gatschene

Today we are looking at acts 28.

Do you know someone who if they didn’t have bad luck they would have no luck at all. A person who seems to always have a crisis in their life. Maybe you feel like you are that person.

Here we find Paul after being arrested, thrown in jail several times, we see him on a ship blown around by a typhoon for 14 days and eventually shipwrecked on the shores of Malta. Finally safe on shore and greeted by kind people and a warm fire only to have a poisonous snake bite his hand. How could so much happen to just one person. All through the book of acts Paul goes from one trial to another and yet he still continues to preach the gospel. I’m sure no one would have blamed him if he stopped and said I’ve had enough, I can’t take it anymore.

But Paul knew that no matter what happened to him the gospel would continue to be spread. The last words of the book of acts say “And no one tried to stop him” the NIV says without hindrance. God’s word cannot be chained even when it’s messengers are. 2tim 2:9. “My paraphrase”

God’s mission for Paul is the same mission that we have today, it hasn’t stopped and it won’t stop until Christ returns.
Embrace what we have before us, this opportunity to share in this mission to take the gospel to the least reached. It isn’t going to be easy and it will mean some sacrifices.But in order to grow we must push ourselves into this uncomfortable zone so that God can show his glory through his faithfulness to us.

Today ask God to show you how he wants you to be part of this mission. Then take a step of faith and see what God has in store for you. ‬
