Board of Elders Report – April 2022


We began with a time of teaching from Pastor Kirk about character. Character may be defined as beliefs and behaviours lived out even when no one is looking. We live out values acquired through teaching, environment, and upbringing. We can change our character, regardless of our past circumstances or experiences. We are always growing and learning. God’s word changes and transforms our character.

“Your character determines how you interpret and respond to God.” – Oswald Chambers

We looked at several Bible passages in the context of faith and culture – (Genesis 22 – Abraham and Isaac, Psalms 18:25). Character gets in the way of how we see each other and God, and how we interpret and respond to God. We need to identify aspects of our character that we need to surrender. We see more clearly when we bring those things into the light (Romans 12:2 and Romans 8).

We talked about the BLESS practices and reported on our experiences living out this practice over the past month.

Finance and Budget – Planning is in process as we prepare for the year-end (June 30) and the Annual General Meeting (September 25).

General Assembly Delegates confirmed – General Assembly will take place July 5 – 8 in Sherwood Park, Alberta.  Wayne Bernakevitch, Al Fedorak, and Kirk Cowman will represent Living Hope at these meetings.

Presidential Nominee Named – At General Assembly our delegates will vote on the current Presidential nominee for the Alliance in Canada. Rev. Darren Herbold currently serves as an International Worker in Thailand. He is married to Naomi; they have three children.

Rev. Herbold has moved through the ranks of the Alliance. He has held the position of Senior Associate Pastor, Multi-site Director, and International Worker. He serves as Regional Director in the Sun and Spice area.  He states the following in his resume:

“I have a significant desire to help support the global church in advancing the Gospel to the ends of the earth. To this end, I enjoy participating with and learning from others who are pushing ahead with creative strategies. I seek to stay engaged in multiple conversations and environments where I can continue to learn and be stretched. Current participation includes involvement in an entrepreneurial group seeking to develop a 100million+ fund to support a cross-denominational and cross-parachurch movement focused on significantly impacting the children and youth sector in Canada for Christ with a 10yr horizon.”

Should you desire to read the full resume presented by Rev. Herbold, you can contact the Church Office.

Your Board of Elders:
Kevin Gatschene (Chair)                    Kirk Cowman (Lead Pastor)
Rick Orban (Vice-Chair)                     Deji Oyetuga
Shannon Vinter (Treasurer)               Lola Sotomi
Gwendolyn Schroeder (Secretary)
