Board of Elders Report – May 2019

At the May 23 meeting the Board of Elders were joined by the Elders in Training to discuss the role of Elders in protecting the flock.  The Elders and Elders in Training have been reading and discussing the book, ‘Gospel Eldership’ by Robert H. Thune.  The book has sparked lively discussions as we have considered what it means to be an Elder in Living Hope.

As part of our meeting, the Elders discussed participation in our family of churches’ upcoming District Conference.   District Conference is held every two years and brings together all of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario and Nunavit.  This year’s conference will be held at Living Hope on June 10 – 12. There will be public services on June 10th at 7 pm and June 11th at 6:30 pm.   One of the main items of business at the conference will be the election of a new District Superintendent because our current District Superintendent, Al Fedorak, will be retiring. In addition, delegates will spend time in round table discussions regarding the church and the Truth & Reconciliation Commission’s Call’s to Action.  It was agreed that our pastoral staff and two lay delegates, Howard Wiebe and Rick Orban, will represent Living Hope at the conference.

In May Abe Toews resigned his position on the Board of Elders.  This has come about as Abe has taken on the role of Board Chair of a national organization of which he has been a member for a long time.  The time and travel commitment involved in chairing this national board means that Abe will not be able to fulfill his term as a member of the Living Hope Board of Elders.  We wish Abe well as he provides leadership to this 13,000-member national organization.

Construction has begun on the parking lot. The Board of Elders reviewed progress on the project and recommendations from our project management team regarding a change order in the area of surveying services.

Pastor Kirk presented a staffing plan for 2019-20 to the Board of Elders for discussion.  The plan calls for the addition of a 24-hour/week position in children’s ministry to work with Pastor Shauna. This will allow Pastor Shauna to spend more time focusing on ministry to families, and will also make it possible for her to provide leadership to our Connections ministry (Ushers, Greeters, Welcome Desk and Coffee Ministries).

 The Board of Elders accepted three people into membership at Living Hope – Michael and Renae Eldred, and Warren Mills.

Your Board of Elders

Mark Stefan (Chair)                                         Brad Crassweller

Wayne Bernakevitch (Vice-Chair)                    Howard Wiebe

Jim Haney (Treasurer)                                    Abe Toews

Ken Thiessen (Secretary)                              Kevin Gatschene

Kirk Cowman (Lead Pastor)
