Group Discussion – May 28, 2023

There are two stories going on in your life – the Upper Story and the Lower Story. We all live in and see life from the perspective of the lower story. No matter how hard we try, we can only see so far down the road because humanity’s viewpoint is linear, horizontal, limited. All our decisions require some sort of faith or trust in what we cannot control around the corner. The Upper Story is how the things look from God’s perspective. His viewpoint is panoramic, vertical, unlimited. Not only does he see around the next bend in the road, he sees it all from beginning to end. The goal is to align our Lower Story to God’s Upper Story because when we do, God promises it will be a good story.


After generations of idolatry, God’s people had been defeated by the empires that controlled the ancient world. The Assyrians had conquered the Northern kingdom, deported the people, and re-populated the land with exiles from other countries. Their practice was to redistribute people from conquered nations throughout their vast empire.  The foreigners who were resettled in northern Israel intermarried with the few remaining Jews and became the half-breed Samaritans. 

The Babylonians were next on the world scene. After each of their three conquests of the Southern Kingdom, the Babylonians deported Jewish captives to enclaves in Babylon and sought to assimilate them into their culture. Now, 70 years of captivity had elapsed. Kings and kingdoms rise and fall; world empires come and go.

The next world power, Persia, was more benevolent. They preferred the benefits of high taxation and the favor of the various gods. So King Cyrus issued a decree to repatriate all aliens to their homelands while allowing them some degree of self-rule. And thus the people of Israel began their journey home.

 Under the guidance of the Hebrew leader, Zerubbabel, nearly 50,000 Jews returned to Jerusalem. They were intent on rebuilding, and the temple was the first priority.  They rebuilt the altar and prepared sacrifices in accordance with the Law of Moses. Fifty years had passed since the temple had been torn down by the Babylonians, and at last God’s people were again able to worship as God had instructed. The foundation of this humble temple could not compare to the magnificence of its predecessor, but the process had begun, and God was leading the way. 

The locals didn’t necessarily roll out the welcome wagon for the repatriated Judeans. They made a backhanded offer of help as an attempt to sabotage the temple rebuilding project. Zerubbabel didn’t fall for their scheme, but the Jews were intimidated and construction halted.

Sixteen years later the prophet, Haggai, spoke on God’s behalf. He twice urged his people, “Give careful thought to your ways.” He reminded them that the temple had to be built as a place of honor and glory for God. The LORD encouraged His people and they returned to their work. Though the new temple would not have the splendor of the old one, God promised that His unsurpassed glory would return. Zechariah agreed; Jerusalem would again teem with life and prosperity because the people would live righteously. God promised to shower Jerusalem and Judah with His goodness and make Israel a blessing to the world.

When the building resumed, a new antagonist, Tattenai, wrote to King Darius hoping to obstruct progress.  Darius searched the royal archives and discovered that his predecessor, King Cyrus, had given his royal thumbs up to the rebuilding of God’s temple. In a fitting twist of events, Darius penned a letter back to Tattenai charging him with responsibility for funding the temple reconstruction. The plot backfired, and in 516 B.C., the temple was completed.

It had been 70 years since the people were first taken captive. This long and painful season of discipline brought much needed change to the hearts of God’s people. In the Lower Story, God brought them out of captivity again. He returned them to the Land of Promise where they rebuilt His temple and their lives.

But the Upper Story once again rings with echoes of delivery from bondage. The LORD had redeemed His people from foreign captivity as God’s great, over-arching plan continued unabated. This story of liberation and restoration is a poignant reminder that this world is not our home. Like Israel, we wait in joyful anticipation of our journey to a land of eternal promise (Heb. 11:16) where all things are new and home will be forever.


  1. What’s the farthest you have moved? How was the adjustment?
  2. Look up Isaiah 44:28 – 45:1. About how many years had passed between Isaiah’s prophecy and Cyrus’ edict? What does this teach you about God?
  3. Read Ezra 1:1-4. King Cyrus decreed that the Jews could all return to their homeland. How did the Lord bring this about? What does this tell us about one way God works to fulfill his promises? What were other people supposed to do for the Jews who wanted to return to their former land? What does this tell us about God’s ability to provide the means for what he wants done?
  4. What does Ezra 1:1–4 tell us about God’s knowledge of future events? What comfort can you find in God’s ability to fulfill his promises and know the future?
  5. What did the people build first (Ezra 3:2)? What did they fear (3:3a)? Nonetheless, what did they do when the altar was finished (3:3b)? What part did the Law of Moses play in the altar rebuilding (p. 264-265)? Why is this important to note?
  6. How did God address the people’s discouragement in Haggai 2:3–4? Although their work seemed insignificant, where was God? What comfort is there in the promise that though our lives are often shaken here, there awaits an unshakeable kingdom for God’s people?
  7. What warning does Haggai state twice in Haggai 2:15-19? Why are these words important to those listening? What was really stalling the work on the temple? How can our own misplaced priorities stall the work of God in our own lives?
  8. What promise from Zechariah 8:20-22 encouraged the workers? Which of God’s promises from Scripture encourages you today?
  9. With Zechariah’s encouragement, the people completed the task God gave them. Who do you know who needs the reminder that God will finish what he started? Who needs to know that they can come home to God despite how ruinous their lives might seem?


Whatever it takes. This truly is God’s motto when it comes to pursuing a relationship with His people.  In fact, God was even willing to bring judgment upon the very people he loved to show his intense desire. This was to be an exclusive relationship. His people could not be loyal to God and to idols at the same time. This is the same for us today.  God desires a relationship with each of us, but it must be on His terms.  All are invited to come, but there is only one way through Jesus who is the way and the truth and the life. Choose today to be fully devoted followers of Jesus who’s hearts are a temple for him alone.


God, May I never take lightly your deep love for and your deliverance of me. Let me cling to your rescuing arms so tightly that you define my whole being so that you will be exalted in my life above every other useless god in this world. May I never want to be anywhere else, but in your presence and shaped by your love. Amen.



