Group Discussion – Sept 17, 2023

  1. Read Romans 12:5, 10, 12 & 15. Think about how these verses emphasize the importance of relationships. Share a memorable celebration, who it was with, and how including others added to that experience? How does sharing a time of sorrow with others change that experience for the better?
  2. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:1. What are some messages our culture has taught us about how to handle a loss or how to expect others to get over a loss that keep us from mourning in a healthy way?What are some healthy ways we can comfort and support each other?
  3. Read 1 Corinthians 4:17. When we have a time of loss, difficulty, or grief, focusing on eternal glory can help us find purpose in our pain. What does eternal glory mean? How does this verse bring hope? 
  4. Every day we either need comfort or need to comfort others. Read 2 Corinthians 1:4. The verse above shows us we don’t have to go through our troubles alone and that our troubles are not the end of a process, as we sometimes think, but rather the middle. Talk about how even in the midst of our loss, comforting others with the comfort God gives us can help us heal from our own pain.
  5. Many men are taught to not cry nor show emotions. In John 11:35, Jesus wept as an expression of his love. Discuss with your group your thoughts about crying openly and how it may change, if crying were an expression of love.
  6. For people who grieve without hope, grief can be destructive. Grief with hope can be a stepping stone towards deepening our faith that this life is not all there is. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13b. Compare what grief looks like with and without hope. Who in your life needs this message of hope and comfort this week?
