Looking for a new beginning or fresh start in 2022?

Have you ever wanted to start over? Have you ever wanted a new beginning?

Maybe you have had a hard week and you are ready to throw in the towel and start over. Maybe you’ve made some mistakes; you wish you could have a do-over and just start again. Maybe after another year of COVID restrictions, you are ready to move somewhere new, somewhere remote even and just start over.

At this time of year, it is natural to begin to think or wish about new beginnings and starting over. New Years is often looked at as a sort of reset button on hopes, dreams, goals, and plans. I know I have often associated the changing of the calendar with the beginning of a new chapter, but it hasn’t always worked out that way – most of the time it’s just more of the same. Can you relate?

We are in the middle of a series we have called “The Promise of Christmas”. We are exploring the promises God made that first Christmas that still apply to us today.  This weekend we are going to explore the new beginning that was made when God promised that a Son would be born. I hope you’ll join us as we look at Luke 1:18-38. The story of Mary’s encounter with God changed everything, and was a new beginning for all of us. 

If you are looking for a fresh start, a new beginning or just something new – God has something he wants to do with you and in you in 2022!

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk


Christmas Eve is Coming! (New Times)
Join us this Christmas Eve at 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm for a worship gathering the whole family will enjoy. In between there will be a COVID-friendly Christmas party with activities for kids, and if the weather permits, hot apple cider outside around a fire. We hope you’ll join us for this very special evening.

New Year, New Changes
Beginning December 26, we will only be offering one in-person worship gathering, at 10:30 am every Sunday.  Beginning January 2, PrayFirst will begin at 9:30 am every Sunday.
