Marks of the Messiah – Unlimited Authority – Discussion Guide

Scripture:  Mark 1:21-34

Summary:   Jesus has unlimited authority, the authority to teach, to free people from bondage and heal any disease.

Main Thought:  Jesus has unlimited authority over all things

Getting to Know Each Other (Start Here): 

  • Have you ever experienced a limitation?
  • Have you ever had some thing or someone keep you from doing what you wanted to do?

Going Deeper: 

  1. In Mark 1:22, the people were amazed at Jesus’ teachings because he taught with authority. What is does this mean?  How would you define authority?
  2. What place does Jesus’ teachings have in your life? How is this evident?  Are there areas of your life where Jesus’ teachings do not have authority?
  3. When you read about Jesus’ interactions with the man who was possessed by an impure spirit in the synagogue in Capernaum, what thoughts come to mind? Do you believe it or do you dismiss it?  What do you believe about impure/evil spirits?
  4. Pastor Kirk said that Christians can be demonized, give up ground in their life to impure spirits. What do you think?  Read Ephesians 4:26-27, what does this verse say about Christians and impure spirits? What does it mean to “give the devil a foothold”?
  5. Mark 1:29-34, Jesus heals many people. Do you believe that Jesus still heals people today?  Why or why not?  Have you ever been healed or had someone close to you be healed?  Why does God heal some people and not heal others?

Apply it:

  • What is the Holy Spirit saying to you? What do you need to do as a result of what he is saying to you?
  • Where in your life do you need to have the authority of Jesus revealed?

Pray without ceasing:

Pray for Resurrection Church in Moncton, NB.  Here are some prayer requests:

  1. 3-5 families committed and passionate families (or individuals) to join the Core Team, bringing gifts to round out our team, including someone with a call to lead children and youth – we need a strong, gifted, and dedicated team
  2. Clear vision and direction as we set goals and plan for 2019
  3. Financial partners and committed supporters as we work towards becoming a sustainable church over the next 2-3 years
  4. Power and passion as we proclaim the Good News and freedom in Christ
