One – Jesus only and only Jesus – Discussion Guide

Jesus only and only Jesus
Bernie Van De Walle, June 16, 2019
John 6:25-71


Getting to Know Each Other:

  • The speaker talked about the fascinating places that he has travelled to or visited.  What is the most fascinating place you have ever been to?  Why is it fascinating to you?

Digging Deeper

  1. Read John 6:25-71 together.  What catches your attention or stands out to you from the passage?
  2. In what ways was Jesus’ teaching offensive to the people who were listening?  Do you find what Jesus said to be offensive?  Why or why not?
  3. Why do you think Peter responds to Jesus as he does in John 6:68-69?  
  4. The speaker said that Jesus is the Christian’s “sufficiency.”  What does this mean?  Do you agree or disagree with this statement?  Why?  
  5. The speak said “Even though we live in a growingly secular world, all sorts of so-called saviours remain. Each one promises to deliver something if only we will follow them, give our lives to them. Each may bring us something, for a time, but each is also inadequate to meet the depth and breadth of our needs.”  What are some of the saviours that tempt you to stop following Jesus?

Apply It:

  • What is the Holy Spirit saying to you?  What do you need to do as a result of what the Holy Spirit is saying to you?
