What would you say?

Why do we call Jesus Saviour? What does it mean to call him Saviour? Why do we need a Saviour, and what does Jesus save us from and save us to? If a friend asked you these questions, how would you respond?

New Testament scholar George Guthrie says your ability to grow and hold tightly to your faith “will be in direct proportion to the clarity with which you see who Jesus is and what he has accomplished on our behalf!” When we call Jesus Saviour, we are acknowledging all that Jesus has done. Do you know what Jesus has accomplished?

This week, as we continue our Creed series, we will be looking at what it means to call Jesus Saviour. We’ll be exploring Hebrews 10 and all that Jesus has accomplished on our behalf—what he saves us from and saves us to. If you’ve ever wanted to know why we call Jesus Saviour or to understand what Jesus saves you from and to, then I hope you’ll join us this weekend. Together we’ll discover that Jesus is the perfect solution to a problem we all share, why we call him Saviour.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk


PS…do you have a friend that may be wondering why we call Jesus Saviour? Why not invite them to join you this Sunday so they can discover why Jesus is the perfect solution as well
