Why do you live where you live?

A one-minute video in which Pastor Kirk introduces our new teaching series.

Do you remember when you moved into your current home? Do you remember why you rented your apartment, bought your house or condo? Why did you choose that specific place and that particular community to live in?

I remember when Britton and I moved back to Regina to be a part of Living Hope. One of the first decisions we had to make was where we were going to live. Living Hope is in the Southeast, but all of our extended family is in the Northwest, and that’s the part of the city where Britton and I grew up, and we were most familiar with it. So, the decision wasn’t easy, we were torn. In the end, we decided to live in Arcola East. We chose our home because we want to be in the neighbourhood where the church was. We wanted to be a part of reaching out to the communities around the church on a day to day basis. We chose our house because of the mission God has given us as a family.

As I look back on the last nine years that we have been in this home, I can see that while we chose our house, God placed us in this neighbourhood for a purpose. He put us here to be salt and light and to express the love of Christ on our block. When you look back on the time you’ve lived in your neighbourhood, do you feel the same? Why do you live where you do?

Read Kirk’s full thought on his blog

Coffee with Kirk
Join Pastor Kirk this Sunday at 7 pm as he hosts a coffee time using Zoom. You bring the coffee, and Kirk will send you a Zoom invite. Kirk will be discussing the impact COVID19 is having on Living Hope and how we are adapting to ministries as a result. Please register online to receive details on the Zoom call.

The Return of MidWeek, Virtually
Beginning Wednesday, April 22, we bring MidWeek back via Zoom. MidWeek is an opportunity for children, teens and adults to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Each Wednesday, kids in Kindergarten to Grade 6 will meet from 6:00 to 6:45 pm and grades 7 to 12 will meet from 7 to 9 pm. MidWeek is an opportunity to connect with friends and learn about Jesus. Virtual gatherings will take place over a secure, password-protected, session of Zoom. To connect your child or teen with one of these gatherings, please email Pastor Shauna for the kids gathering or Pastor Daniel for the teen gathering. Beginning May 5, Pastor Colin will also be offering something for adults; more information will follow.

Wondering what’s going on?
Even though we can’t hand you a bulletin in person, we are still publishing weekly news. Weekly news and information is available on the church website and in the church app. Our church app is the best way to stay in touch with what’s going on, its update each week with the latest sermon, news, discussion guides, and pictures. To install the church app on your phone or tablet simple search for Living Hope Alliance Church in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
