Have you ever broken a Christmas tradition?

Every family has Christmas traditions, things they do every year. Special food has to be on the menu or else it just isn’t Christmas.  Last year my family and I broke one of our traditions.

Since our kids were little we would get up, open presents, and have a big breakfast together, Belgian waffles with all the toppings: sausages, eggs, hash browns, and whatever else we could whip up.  For 364 days every year I look forward to sitting at our table with Britton and my kids, laughing enjoying each other’s company and gorging myself on a waffle topped with maple syrup, strawberries, whipped cream and sausages. Last year we did something different.  We broke from tradition.

Instead of enjoying a big breakfast we got dressed and headed to a woman’s shelter on Christmas morning. Together we led the small group of women and their children in a worship service.  My kids led the singing of several Christmas Carols and I spoke about the hope that Jesus brought.  As much as I love my Christmas morning waffle, to sit there and watch my kids lead worship was even sweeter!  I don’t know about you, but I don’t always get to see my kids serving and I don’t often get to serve alongside my family.

It was inconvenient to go out on Christmas morning.  The shelter wasn’t the easiest to find (they don’t put big flashy signs out in front of women’s shelters).  I have to admit that in the days leading up to that morning, I often wished I hadn’t made the commitment to putting on the service.   As soon as we got there and I saw my kids serving Jesus, my whole attitude changed. The memory of that Christmas will be forever in my mind. It ranks up there as one of the best Christmases ever.

What are you doing this Christmas?  Have you ever thought of breaking one of your traditions?

This Christmas we have a unique opportunity to create a new tradition.  This year we will be hosting 3 Christmas Eve services at Living Hope (10:30 am, 4 pm and 7 pm).  Last year we hosted over 750 people between our two services. This year we anticipate hosting upwards of a thousand people at our Christmas Eve Celebration.  At our celebration we will need hosts to make the party great.  What if this Christmas Eve you worshiped at 10:30 as a family and then served together at the 4 pm or 7 pm service, or both!

You could serve as greeters or ushers at one of the services, you could serve as hosts at the family party in between the 4 and 7 pm services, or you could serve refreshments together as our guests arrive.   If you are musical we also need musicians to serve for all three services.

What if this year you created some new memories by serving together as a family?  Take it from me, there is nothing sweeter than serving alongside your spouse and children.  If you’d like to talk more about this contact one of the pastors, or just hit reply and let me know.

This Sunday, we will continue our series on James. Pastor Peter will be speaking from James 5:7-12 about the need for patient endurance.  I hope you’ll join us this weekend as we gather and worship Jesus. I hope you will think about creating a new tradition of serving this Christmas.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk

Coming Events

November 21-30 ‘Together in Israel’ Trip
November 24 50+ Christmas Supper
December 3 Newcomer’s Lunch
December 10 Appreciation Lunch for GLS Volunteers
December 12 T.A.C.O. Tuesday
December 14 Board of Elders Meeting
December 24 Christmas Eve Services (10:30 am, 4 pm, 7 pm)
