Going Beyond

Do you have a favourite verse?  If you are anything like me you may have more than one.

One of my favourite verses is Acts 13:36 which says,

When David served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.

It might seem like a strange verse to have as a favourite, but this verse is incredibly important to me.  I discovered this verse about 10 years ago and it has become so important to me I actually told Britton I want it to be the epitaph on my grave.  Acts 13:36 inspires me to be like David.

Acts 13:36 teaches that King David discovered God’s purpose for his life and that he did everything he could to fulfill that purpose in his generation.  David wasn’t responsible for someone else’s purpose.  David wasn’t responsible for the generations that came before him or after him.  David was responsible for his God-given purpose, in his day, with the people around him and because of his faithfulness in his generation, the generations that followed benefited.

I want to be like David and discover the purpose that God created me to fulfill. I want to fulfill His purpose in my generation.  When my life is over I want Britton, my family, my friends and Jesus himself to say, “Kirk fulfilled God’s purpose in his generation.”

Have you ever thought about what God’s purpose is for you in your generation?

Not only do you and I have a purpose that God wants us to fulfill in this generation, our church family has a purpose in this generation.  Have you ever thought about the purpose God has for our church in this generation?

I want to invite you to watch the replay of our online event as we begin a new chapter in the life of our church by embracing God’s purpose for our us in this generation.  As a leader, we want you to have the inside scoop on what is happening at Living Hope.  In the video below we’ll introduce you to the Going Beyond initiative.

I hope you’ll take the time to watch the video and find out about the Going Beyond initiative.

Pastor Kirk
