Board of Elders Report – September 2022

 The Board of Elders met on Tuesday, September 27, 2022.  We were joined by Al Fedorak, our in-coming Board chair.

Our Annual General Meeting was held on September 25, with 45 members and 8 attendees present. The Board reviewed the meeting and considered comments and questions from the membership. If you missed the meeting, you can obtain a copy of the Annual Report for 2021-22 from the office; both paper and email copies are available.

Just a reminder to members of Living Hope: If you have not already responded to the “Reaffirmation of Membership” email, please complete the form at:

It is important that we hear from you on this matter. If you require any clarification about the letter, please comment on the form when you submit your response, and a member of the Board will respond to you.

Fall ministry is in full swing. We need many volunteers to assist in our ministry programs. There is a new Bulletin Board in the Aroma Café area. Check out the serving opportunities listed there. Please consider where you can use your gifts to serve in our church.

As we carry on the BLESS and FRANC practices, we continue our apprenticeship with Jesus to become what Jesus envisions. As Pastor Kirk states in the conclusion of his Lead Pastor report:

“In Isaiah 6, the year the King died, the prophet caught a glimpse of the glory of God, but that wasn’t all. Isaiah also discovered that God was calling out something that only he could do. As turbulent as the last twelve months may have been for our church, it has been a gift because we saw God’s glory revealed in the whirlwind and heard his calling. We hope you have caught a glimpse of both in this report. As we look ahead to the coming ministry year, we are excited about where God will lead, how he will transform our hearts on the journey, and how he might reveal even more of his glory to us in what is next. We hope you will be a part of it all.”

Come and journey with us!

Your Board of Elders:
Kevin Gatschene (Chair)            Kirk Cowman (Lead Pastor)
Rick Orban (Vice-Chair)             Deji Oyetuga
Shannon Vinter (Treasurer)      Lola Sotomi
Gwendolyn Schroeder (Secretary)

