Group Discussion – November 5, 2023

This past Sunday, our District Superintendent Bernie Van De Walle preached a sermon entitled, “Give Me the Hill Country”. What group of people has God definitely called you to serve? What roadblocks or difficulties are present in bringing the gospel to this group? What movement towards Jesus have you seen in this group (or in one individual in the group)? What excites you about sharing Jesus in word and deed with this group? How can your group join you in prayer to see lives transformed by God’s grace?

Let’s also take time to dream about and pray for our church as Pastor Tim was commissioned to lead us into the future God has ordained for us. What big hopes do you have for Living Hope? What one step can you take this week to make that dream become reality? What one thing can you consistently do to support Pastor Tim as the person God has chosen for this time in Living Hope’s history? 

Pray together, asking God to shape us all into the people Jesus envisions and to multiply ourselves as people who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples! 
