Marks of the Messiah – Alive! – Discussion Guide

Marks of the Messiah

Pastor Kirk, April 21, 2019

Scripture: Mark 16:1-8

Summary:    The Gospel of Mark ends abruptly because the author wants you to consider how you would respond if you were in there at the empty tomb. What would you do? How would you respond to the news that Jesus is alive?

Main Thought:  The end of Mark marks the beginning for you! What will you choose to do in response to Jesus?

Getting to Know Each Other (Start Here):  
– Have you ever read a choose your own adventure book?
– Have you ever read a book or watched a movie where you didn’t like the ending? How did you respond?

Going Deeper:  

  1. Read Mark 15:1 to 16:8 together. What stood out to you? Is there a phrase or a detail that caught your attention? What do you think the Spirit is trying to say to you or teach you by causing that phrase or detail to stand out?
  2. Put yourself in the position of Joseph and the women. How would you feel on Friday night and Saturday (before Jesus’ resurrection)? How would you feel on Sunday monrning having heard the news that Jesus is alive?
  3. Why do you believe that Jesus is alive? What is the most compelling reason to believe in the resurrection?
  4. What surprises you about the ending of Mark?
  5. How is the original ending of Mark (Mark 16:1-8) different than the 11 verses (Mark 16:9-20) that were added later? Why do you think they were added?
  6. If you wrote the ending to the Gospel of Mark, how would you end it?

Apply it:

  • What is the Holy Spirit saying to you? How do you need to respond?
